Our Classroom Website

Welcome Back!

Where did the summer go?  Time to get back into the swing of school though. I am setting up this website to encourage more communication between school and home for my courses.  I will be posting homework, class information and photos (hopefully),  I will get back to you on that one as I obtain parental permission to do so. My goal is to provide the best education possible and I believe working together as a team is the key to doing so.  If parents or my older students could actually drop me a quick message to let me know if you will be using this website or if you would like to see something added or changed, I would greatly appreciate the feedback.

Looking forward to your feedback and a great year together.  

Ms. Rowsell


For more information about our schools please visit @ http://csdulittoral.qc.ca

You may also check out what's happening at our schools on Facebook.

This website is created by me personally and is to be used by parents and students in my classes. Thank you for stopping by. smiley